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Every life is precious

Every life is precious

Education is not a luxury that should be just limited to those who can afford it, but rather, a basic necessity that is crucial to the progress of every human, nation and mankind. It is important to nurture young minds with quality education as only then can we pave the way for a better future for all.

You can see many educational institutes around you but it is not only about making the children sit in the classroom and read the lesson from the book. Education goes beyond that and encompasses the mental, social and physical development of a child. It aims at helping one become a better person and imbibe all the qualities of a good and responsible citizen.

Education is the most powerful tool but only if we teach our students to use it in the right ways. It is not only about learning new things but utilizing them in our day-to-day lives, respecting the rights and beliefs of others around us, refraining from any prejudice, raising our voices against discrimination, taking every hardship as a learning experience and every challenge as an opportunity to surpass your limits. It is about respecting the diversity around us, developing tolerance, standing for what is right and against what is wrong, fostering new ideas & innovations, and contributing towards the betterment of society. Educating the children of today can help to empower the youth of tomorrow and the way we do it is going to determine the future of all.

The post-pandemic era has brought with it a great deal of change and highlighted many facts that have altered our perception. Irrespective of the distance between people living in different corners of the Earth, the world is not as big as it seems. We are all connected with each other. What happens in one corner of the world may have an impact on people living miles away. There is one more thing that the pandemic made us realize, luxury, lavish lifestyle and extravagance may be a choice for many but we can still lead a beautiful life without these. Your real wealth is happiness, which is incomplete without a family. Despite being locked down in their homes, people found happiness in small things like cooking meals together, talking about good memories and spending time with their loved ones. It wouldn't be wrong to say that life came to a halt, but rather we realized the true meaning of it.

Having said that, we cannot also ignore the various social issues that became even more evident during the lockdown. As we got some time off from our busy schedule, we looked around to see the pain and suffering in the face of poverty, hunger, lack of shelter, unemployment and illiteracy. No doubt, our country made tremendous progress in terms of digitization, especially after schools started online teaching facilities, but, at the same time, we cannot completely undermine the benefits of offline classes. Hats off to the administrators, staff, parents and students for their commitment and dedication.

As we have almost come out of the clenches of the pandemic, it's time to address the various challenges that pose a threat to our society and country. It is rightly said that small drops make an ocean. It doesn't really matter what your contribution is, it all counts as long as your intentions are pure. Every small effort can make a difference, every minute change can bring about a revolution. Let's not tell our children stories about how things used to be in the past, let's help them to envision how they should be in the future. Let's set examples of selflessness and cherish love. Let's gift hope and courage and join hands to make the world better. Life might not always give you a second chance, so do your best on the very first go. Because your efforts count and every life is precious.

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Every life is precious

Education is not a luxury that should be just limited to those who can afford it, but rather, a basic necessity that is crucial to the progress of every human, nation and mankind. It is important to nurture young minds with quality education as only then can we pave the way for a better future for all.

The Amulya Jeevan Foundation is an organisation that lends a helping hand to the most vulnerable section of the society. Upholding the ideology that every life is precious, AJF reaches out to people in need and distress and supports them. From providing free meals to the hungry, quality education to the poor, healthcare to the needy, livelihood to the downtrodden and shelter to the deserted, AJF tries to bring a qualitative change in the lives of people in distress. AJF has a dedicated team of volunteers who reach out to people far and wide with helping hands and a smile on their faces.